

Motivate your community or state association to take action to improve your economy through one of the many presentations by POLICOM President William H. Fruth, who has provded programs in 40 states.

In a dynamic, entertaining, and understandable manner, Fruth has created a series of presentations for communities and state and national associations specifically designed to enlighten the audience on how local economies work, what makes some strong, others weak, what is causing this to happen, and what can be done to improve or maintain the situation.

William H. Fruth

Virtually every program is customized to the needs of the sponsor.

The following are some of the programs which educate and motivate the audience to take action. All programs are customized to the community and audience.

Twenty for the Twenties

In the program “Twenty for the Twenties,” presenter William Fruth identifies the twenty wealth producing industrial sectors which will grow in the 2020’s, which will influence economic growth for communities throughout the United States.

From months of research, Fruth has created an interesting story about how advanced technology will cause an organic, market driven change in production and the expansion of “hidden” and brand new industrial sectors.

Technology is changing “everything” including how things are made. This will enable the United States to “make what we buy,” capturing a large portion of the annual $2 trillion marketplace of foreign made imported products, products which we not only invented but once lead the world in production.

This can cause expansive economic growth for many years if the barriers to growth can be overcome or avoided.

Millions of high-wage jobs can be created in communities which are prepared to meet the needs of these companies.

This program is ideal for state and national conferences as each is reviewed for the presence of these future growth industrial sectors and Fruth explains what communities need to do to attract or cause expansion in their area.

The Flow of Money ... In Your Local Economy 

Discover how your local economy compares to the rest of the nation, whether it is growing or declining and what is causing this to happen through this informative, yet entertaining presentation customized for your area.

This is William Fruth's foundation program which has been presented to more than 100 communities.

Ideal for annual meetings of economic development organizations or as a special event, this presentation educates your community leaders on how your local economy works, its present economic condition, the basic principles of economic development, and motivates the community to reinforce the good in the economy and take action to correct the bad.


Ten Characteristics of America's Strongest Local Economies

Discover why some communities have strong, dynamic economies while others are failing.

Since 1997, POLICOM has ranked the metropolitan areas in the United States for "Economic Strength." From the ranking, POLICOM studies the characteristics of the strongest and weakest areas.

This presentation highlights several consistent characteristics of the strongest areas and provides a list of what all areas need to do to improve their local economies.

About the Presenter

William H. Fruth is the President of POLICOM Corporation, an independent economics research firm located in Palm City, Florida, which specializes in studying the dynamics of local economies.

He has personally evaluated the data for more than 800 local economies in the United States, created more than 200 economic and community studies, and has provided presentations and workshops for state-national associations and community forums in 40 states. 

Prior to founding POLICOM in 1995, from 1988 to 1995, Fruth served as Vice President of a major industrial land development company directing the development and marketing of a 500-acre corporate park in West  Palm Beach, Florida.

Previously he was President of the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County, the economic development organization for the area. During that tenure he was named Florida's Economic Development Professional of the Year.

From 1980 to 1984, Fruth served in a full time capacity as Mayor of Tiffin, Ohio. During this time, he was named one of the "Five Outstanding Young Men in Ohio" and was heavily involved in economic and community development statewide.

Fruth received the Master of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees from Bowling Green State University (OH). Go Falcons.